Canción: Postcards from Italy
Disco: Gulag Orkestar (2006)
The times we had
Oh, when the wind would blow with rain and snow
Were not all bad
We put our feet just where they had, had to go
Never to go
The shattered soul
Following close but nearly twice as slow
In my good times
There were always golden rocks to throw
at those who admit defeat too late
Those were our times, those were our times
And I will love to see that day
That day is mine
When she will marry me outside with the willow trees
And play the songs we made
They made me so
And I would love to see that day
Her day was mine
The times we had
Oh, when the wind would blow with rain and snow
Were not all bad
We put our feet just where they had, had to go
Never to go
The shattered soul
Following close but nearly twice as slow
In my good times
There were always golden rocks to throw
at those who admit defeat too late
Those were our times, those were our times
And I will love to see that day
That day is mine
When she will marry me outside with the willow trees
And play the songs we made
They made me so
And I would love to see that day
Her day was mine
2 comentarios:
Eiiiiiiiiiiii ara feia dies que no em passejava per aki. En primer lloc, merci per la recomanació del Poe!
No conec ni el grup ni el tema, el que si que conec és Italia i també he enviat postals des d'allà ; )
Bones festes si no ens veiem abans!
Ei Miquel! Gràcies per tornar a passar pel Whisky!
Doncs si no coneixes Beirut, et recomano (i molt) el seu disc The Flying Club Cup. Folk amb aires balcànics i una veu increïble.
I de res per lo de la recomanació. Em va agradar molt, sobretot les il·lustracions i el segon conte. Chapeau! :D
Pinta molt bé el que has publicat al teu blog. A veure si anem rebent més notícies!
Una abraçada!
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